As a school, we place great value on attendance as it has a strong direct link with your child’s achievement and well-being. Recent research shows that children with lower attendance are less likely to achieve in their learning than their peers.
if your child is unwell and unable to attend school please phone the school office on 0117 3772424 or via the Study Bugs app.
Please click here to visit the Study Bugs website, where you find all the information on how you can download this app.
Holidays are no longer able to be authorised, unless in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Please read our Attendance Policy for guidance.
The school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm, which totals to 32.5 hours per week.
The school is now operating within Bristol City Council’s Fixed Penalty Notice system.
Penalty notices will be considered for:
- Accumulated unexplained or unauthorised absences
- Unauthorised holidays in term time
- Excessively delayed returns from holidays without prior agreement with the school
- Cases of persistent and regular late arrival, after the register has closed
We work hard alongside Parents/Carers to support and promote regular attendance; every session counts.