Blaise Primary and Nursery School



Current Governor Vacancies

There is currently:

  • A Parent Governor vacancy

We need a wide range of skills on the Governing Body but, at the moment, are particularly interested in people with skills in finance, fundraising, data analysis, health/mental health and education.


Thinking of becoming a Governor?

All Governors are volunteers and do not receive any payment for their work, however they do play a vital role in the running of the school.  Being a Governor is demanding and challenging but extremely rewarding.

More information about being a Governor can be found through the links below


How do I become a Governor?

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please contact either the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors, through the Clerk to Governors, Sarah Hutton, 


More information about being a Governor

Bristol City Council's Governor Development Service

The National Governance Association 

The Governance Handbook


Other useful information

Department for Education



Current Staff Vacancies

These will be advertised on the eteach website.