Current Governor Vacancies
There is currently:
- A Parent Governor vacancy
We need a wide range of skills on the Governing Body but, at the moment, are particularly interested in people with skills in finance, fundraising, data analysis, health/mental health and education.
Thinking of becoming a Governor?
All Governors are volunteers and do not receive any payment for their work, however they do play a vital role in the running of the school. Being a Governor is demanding and challenging but extremely rewarding.
More information about being a Governor can be found through the links below
How do I become a Governor?
If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please contact either the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors, through the Clerk to Governors, Sarah Hutton,
More information about being a Governor
Bristol City Council's Governor Development Service
The National Governance Association
Other useful information
Current Staff Vacancies
These will be advertised on the eteach website.