Vision and Values
Creating success. Laying foundations, thriving on challenge and believing we can.
At Blaise, we have high expectations of our children and of ourselves and we are committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for each and every child.
We strive to ensure that children are listened to, safe, secure, joyful and motivated to learn.
At Blaise, we value and recognise the views of children, parents/carers and all members of our school and wider community as we work together.
School Development Priorities
1 Teaching and Learning - offer an engaging curriculum for all through excellent teaching and learning.
Adaptive Teaching: Develop adaptive teaching practice within quality first teaching. Teachers will understand and implement appropriate adaptations so all pupils can experience success across the curriculum in an inclusive classroom.
Reading: Establish effective reading strategies across KS2 to ensure an improvement in vocabulary, understanding and fluency.
2. Leadership and Management
Plan and implement a strategy to embed a culture of improving learning and teaching through instructional coaching and developing peer to peer support
3. Pastoral and Well-being – relationships are the key.
Implement strategies from 'Working together to improve attendance’ through prevention, early support and statutory intervention.
4. Opportunities for all
Expand our understanding of the changing needs of our evolving school community and strive to fully include everyone. This includes developing practices to support those learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) and ensuring that our curriculum reflects and inspires all learners.
At Blaise, our values underpin everything we do.
Following extensive work with our school council and the wider school community, six values were decided on which embody our whole school values. They are:
These six values give us all certainty around expectations for behaviour and attitudes to learning. They are made real and visible every day in all areas of the school and for all children, by all adults.
We reward children who show these values explicitly through our house points system where children receive a token towards their house: Fire, Earth, Water and Air. The house winner is shared with the children at the end of each week during our celebration assembly, alongside individual celebration certificates for children who have impressed their teacher during the week by showing one or more of these values.